Q1:How can I place an order?

  • Simply add your selected items to the cart, proceed to checkout on website or  by sending a direct message.

Q2:What is the estimated time for delivery?

  • Your order will take from 1-5 working days to be in your hands

Q3:What is the exchange & return policy?

  • Refund & exchange is only possible with the courier at the time of delivery. 
  • Items must be in their original condition to qualify:
    • Unused and unwashed.
    • Tags must remain attached.
    • Items must be in their original packaging.

If items do not meet these criteria, we will be unable to process the return or exchange.

Q4:Can I make online payment?

  • Ofcourse, We have a secured online payment system to facilitate your purchase.

Q5: How do I care for my The Muse clothing?

  • Generally, we recommend dry cleaning or gentle hand washing. Please check the label on your item for full details.

Q6: Do you offer international shipping?

  • Currently, we are focused on serving our Egyptian community. However, we are working on expanding our shipping options, so stay tuned!

Q7: How can I contact customer support?

We are here to help! For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at [Shopthemuse.co@outlook.com] or through our Contact Us page.